Kingsbridge Climate Action

Kingsbridge Climate Action are a grassroots community action group aiming to deliver events and projects that help to reduce our carbon footprint, enhance nature locally, and promote community cohesion and wellbeing.

Our biggest projects are our monthly repair cafés and an annual festival of nature that we hold across a number of days in June. We also run regular events throughout the year which aim to raise awareness, support learning or take action on the climate and nature crisis. Our ongoing projects include Friends of the Estuary, which advocates for the estuary’s biodiversity, a Pesticide-Free Campaign, Transition Streets, community energy initiatives, and outreach events including a summer nature festival. Our work aims to provide learning opportunities about environmental issues, foster community connections, and encourage practical actions towards a sustainable future.

We hold regular public meetings that offer a space for our community to gather, contribute ideas, hear about projects and share conversation about climate and nature. We need community more than ever and we aim to bring together as many people as we can to inspire and support each other.

We publish a regular newsletter that you can subscribe to via our social media channels or website to keep up to date with news and upcoming events. We welcome everyone in our community to get inspired, get involved and get active to help us work together for a thriving and resilient future for our town and our local environment.


  • Awareness Raising

  • Repair Cafe

  • Biodiversity

  • Energy

Upcoming events

Latest news