Taking the impacts across three years, from recovering covid years and then 2023/24 as we could returned to normality, we can see increasing levels of activity, and much, much more!
Here’s a summary of what the CAG Devon network achieved in 2023-24:
833 events with 44,732 attendees (547 events with 25,062 attendees in 2022/23)
24,620 volunteer hours, worth £381,477 (compared to 20,821 volunteer hours, worth £311,491 in 2022/23).
111 tonnes of waste prevented (84 tonnes in 2022/23), that’s exactly three times the amount prevented in 2021/22 (37 tonnes).
68 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill, with 51 tonnes diverted in 2022/23, and three times that diverted in 2021/22 (22 tonnes).
361 tonnes of carbon emissions avoided, which was 297 tonnes in 2022/23 (and nearly 3 times that achieved in 2021/22).
The network grew from 22 groups during 2022/23 to 38 groups in 2023/24, spreading it’s reach across the whole County of Devon!
How we measure our impact
To measure the impact the CAG Devon project is having, we use the Resource Community Impacts Tool (ResourceCIT). This is an online tool for community groups and funders to estimate the impact they are having on reducing waste, carbon, energy use and saving costs for individuals and the community.
Our community groups submit data from the activities they carry out; we are then able to generate individual reports on each group’s achievements and calculate the impact we have had collectively across the CAG Devon network.
Going forwards we are also exploring how to capture some of the social impacts of being involved in a CAG Devon group. In 2022 we gathered some volunteers stories about giving their time in CAG Devon groups. This was part of a pilot research project. You can find out more here and read the seven stories.