Teign Valley Larder

Teign Valley Larder CIC has been serving the residents of the Teign Valley since early May 2020. We provide a community larder with a stock of food, personal hygiene and household basics for those currently experiencing food insecurity or poverty. We also reduce food waste by functioning as an outlet for long-life but ‘out of date’ foodstuffs and surplus fresh produce from local farms that supply eggs and organic vegetables, as well as a weekly supply from the charity Fareshare.

Each month our 40 or so volunteers typically supply the equivalent of 1,100 meals to people in need and save more than 100kg of food otherwise destined for disposal. Christow church is home to our main larder, with larder boxes in four other Teign Valley villages (church porches, village hall, bus shelter). As a hybrid model – part foodbank, part community larder – we are open to anyone to come and take, swap or donate food on an honesty basis.


  • Community larder

Teign Valley Larder

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A woman and two children pose with a wheelbarrow full and a stack of food cans