Sustainable Bradninch

About us

Our group was set up to run events and projects that will make our lovely town of Bradninch more sustainable, reduce waste, increase biodiversity and become an even better community. Our members are active community members who want to make a difference to the lives of people in Bradninch.

What we do

We run a Repair Café every two months in the Guildhall, alongside a coffee morning and our Community Fridge (Bradninch Community Food Shed) is open from 10-6 every day in the Baptist Church foyer. We also organise regular events that help drive sustainable behaviours like swapping clothes and selling second-hand items. Through the winter months we have regular talks about interesting topics.

Recent projects

In 2023 we had our first Nature Photography Competition, to be repeated in 2024, culminating in the shortlisted photos being displayed at the Annual Bradninch Town Fair, to choose a “People’s Choice” Award.

This year we have moved into more growing and nature-based activities. We started a regular Seed Swap and a Community Allotment, where food will be grown for the Food Shed. We are assisting on several wilding projects around the town. Our Tree Nursery is again full of trees to be planted out this winter.

Future plans

We hope to run another Bradninch Jumble Trail, along with a Gin Swish event this Autumn. We will repeat our Nature Photography Competition this year. We are starting to have conversations about a Bradninch Library of Things, which would be a fantastic addition to our town.

How can I help

Talk to us if you’re in or near Bradninch and you’d like to help. We have a team of volunteers who clean our shed and collect food from local supermarkets, so there are always things you can do to help. Let us know if you have a skill you’d like to share, can repair broken items or are an expert in an aspect of sustainability and would like to speak at a local event.


  • Repair café

  • Surplus Food

  • Clothes swaps

  • Wilding projects

  • Awareness Raising

Sustainable Bradninch logo

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